Notes on Castle Camelot LORD Betas: {09/29/2006 update} This applies to any ???? that are stored in the IGMs directory of the web server. Or in the LORD IGMs directory of the BBS web server. They are fully, in most instances, usable betas of my LORD programs. Occasionally, betas may in be in-progress work which contain events that may not work correctly. Backup locations: (PRIMARY) Always use igm-beta.htm web-page to access the files. (2) Nightfall Games IGM Beta archives: Stored in IGMs directory. IGM Utility archives: Stored in Utils directory. (3) Fidotel BBS IGM Beta archives: Stored in LORD_IGMS directory. IGM Utility archives: Stored in LORD_UTILS directory. BBS Archives server: At present, I'm not backing up the ???? and ???? archives on Mike Ehlert's server. When I do start doing so, IGM archives will be in Lord_Igms directory, and Utility archives will be in Lord_Utils directory. ------------------------------------------------------------- You use these Betas at your own risk, and should always follow safe LORD usage practices such as backing up your LORD player.dat file before you run one of these beta programs. That way, if one causes damage to one or more player's LORD player database records, you can backtrack to the player.dat backup file and recover from the corrupted player.dat file. Note: During the development of my Werewolf II beta, I've had to use such player.dat backups several times personally to recover from instances where the IGM corrupted LORD player records. So I am EXTREMELY serious about this: If you use my betas, you SHOULD make backups of player.dat beforehand, just to be safe. ------------------------------------------------------- If you are using a beta LORD program of mine, and you find problems, I would appreciate your notifying me immediately using E-mail. The MOST recent ONLINE version of any LORD IGM/utility beta in development by me will be found on my Castle Camelot web-site. To have the most recent compilation, you should join my group of beta testers. They receive new betas each week via E-mail. Use the links in the Castle Camelot Beta LORD Apps Table, located on my LORD Links Page. Version number info is not always up-to-date, but the files can always be requested from me directly by email, if you want the most current release beta of some Lord program. So see: and use the links in the table referred to above. ======================================================== Available betas as of September 29, 2006: LORD Utilities Betas: HUT2EDIT, LPE-WORK, ROL2EDIT, KLB-EDIT, SHADEDIT, SHOPEDIT, and WOLFEDIT. LORD IGMs Betas: BANKWORK, GEMTWORK, HITWORK, HUT-WORK, PAWNWORK, ROL-WORK, and WEREWORK. LORD for Windows Betas: FW2-EDIT.ZIP, FW2-WORK.ZIP, and LP32WORK.ZIP. -------------------------------------------------------------- BANKWORK ZIP 234974 9-29-06 1:14pU Kiteria's Lord Bank v1.47.75 beta FW2-EDIT ZIP 72296 9-29-06 1:14pU FW2EDIT.EXE v0.55 Beta FW2-WORK ZIP 161187 9-29-06 1:14pU Free World II v1.22 Beta GEMTWORK ZIP 251504 9-29-06 1:14pU The Gem Trader v2.48 Beta HITSWORK ZIP 238914 9-29-06 1:14pU Hiding in the Shadows v2.67.5 beta HUT-WORK ZIP 192811 9-29-06 1:14pU The Village Hut v2.17.25 beta HUT2EDIT ZIP 72543 9-29-06 1:14pU HUT2EDIT.EXE v0.80 Beta KLB-EDIT ZIP 73406 9-29-06 1:14pU KLBEDIT v1.30 non-beta LP32WORK ZIP 120659 9-29-06 1:14pU ChasWare LPEdit/32 v0.82 Beta LPE-WORK ZIP 121740 9-29-06 1:14pU ChasWare LPEdit v1.38.8 beta PAWNWORK ZIP 404777 9-29-06 1:14pU The Pawn Shop v3.86 Beta ROL-WORK ZIP 288081 9-29-06 1:14pU Realm of Lore v1.91 Beta ROL2EDIT ZIP 74149 9-29-06 1:14pU ROL2EDIT.EXE v0.60 Beta SHADEDIT ZIP 72955 9-29-06 1:14pU SHADEDIT.EXE v1.00 SHOPEDIT ZIP 152782 9-29-06 1:14pU SHOPEDIT.EXE v1.00 TURGEDIT ZIP 72896 9-29-06 1:14pU TURGEDIT.EXE v1.02 Beta TURGWORK ZIP 213955 9-29-06 1:14pU Turgeon's House v4.21 beta WEREWORK ZIP 214423 9-29-06 1:14pU WereWolf II v0.98 Beta WOLFEDIT ZIP 74171 9-29-06 1:14pU WOLFEDIT.EXE v1.00 =========================================================== ** All of the IGMs and utility archives listed above are fully usable on BBS's. ============================================================== Recent IGM Releases: Since July 2004: ================================================== The Pawn Shop v3.40 -- Hiding In The Shadows v2.00 -- Turgeon's House v3.40 -- Violet's Cottage II v1.00 -- Kiteria's LORD Bank v1.00 LORD IGM. Kiteria's LORD Bank v1.20 LORD IGM. Kiteria's LORD Bank v1.30 LORD IGM. Turgeon's House v4.00 LORD IGM. Love Shack II v2.20 LORD IGM. Hiding In The Shadows v2.50 LORD IGM. LADY_160.ZIP - Belgarion's LORD Lady Scripts v1.60. GATE13.ZIP - The Gateway v1.3 LORD IGM. -- CAVE17.ZIP - The L.O.R.D. Cavern v1.7 LORD IGM. -- OUTH250.ZIP - The Forest Outhouse v2.50 LORD IGM. OUTS16.ZIP - The Outlands Tavern v1.6 LORD IGM. RHPTST14.ZIP - The RHP Toolkit v1.4 LORD utilities package. KBEDIT10.ZIP - Kiteria's LORD Bank Player Editor v1.00 utility. -- HS25EDIT.ZIP - H.I.T.S. v2.50 Player Editor v1.00 utility. -- RHPTST15.ZIP - RHP Toolkit v1.5 utility package. -- VCEDIT10.ZIP - Violet's Cottage II Player Editor v1.00 LORD IGM utility. -- VIOCOT12.ZIP - Violet's Cottage II v1.20 LORD IGM. TURGED10.ZIP - Turgeon's House Player Editor v1.00 LORD IGM utility. -- THOUSE42.ZIP - Turgeon's House v4.20 LORD IGM. -- LS2ED10.ZIP - Love Shack II Player Database Editor v1.00 -- DOOFED10.ZIP - Doofus the Gnome Player Database Editor v1.00 -- JACKED10.ZIP - The Gem Trader Player Database Editor v1.00 -- LORDST20.ZIP - LordStat v2.00. LORD Utility by Jason Brown. KBEDIT12.ZIP - Kiteria's Lord Bank Player Database Editor v1.20. -- CONVKB10.ZIP - K.L. Bank Player Database Converter v1.00. -- LOVE250.ZIP - Love Shack II v2.50 LORD IGM. -- DOOFED11.ZIP - Doofus the Gnome Player Database Editor v1.10 -- GNOME20.ZIP - Doofus the Gnome v2.00 LORD IGM. -- ============================================================== Note: If I forget and have any file names in the hyperlinks shown in upper-case or mixed case, that is an error. I always release my programs using lower-case file names. =============================================================== If you need/want support for either program, contact me via Email using one of these email addresses:,,, or NOTE: Remove the "-NOSPAM" portion from the email addresses before using them. -------------------------------------------------------------- To reach me via Fidonet mail, my Fidonet address is: Donald Tidmore 1:123/450. You can reach me via NetMail, the DoorGames echo, the DoorWare echo, the LORD echo, or the Pascal echo. ============================================================= Donald Tidmore. Edited on: September 29, 2006.